
360º-video and Virtual Reality

Attention guidance augmentation of virtual reality exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Mikael Rubin, Karl Muller, Mary M. Hayhoe, Michael J. Telch

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 2022 Apr, pp. 1--17

Avoidance of social threat: Evidence from eye movements during a public speaking challenge using 360°- video

Mikael Rubin, Sean Minns, Karl Muller, Matthew H. Tong, Mary M. Hayhoe, Michael J. Telch

Behaviour Research and Therapy, vol. 134, 2020 Nov, p. 103706


Hippocampal volume and volume asymmetry prospectively predict PTSD symptom emergence among Iraq-deployed soldiers

Adam R. Cobb, Mikael Rubin, Deborah L. Stote, Brian C. Baldwin, Han-Joo Lee, Ahmad R. Hariri, Michael J. Telch

Psychological Medicine, 2021 Nov, pp. 1--8

Network Analysis

Distinct trajectories of depression symptoms in early and middle adolescence: Preliminary evidence from longitudinal network analysis

Mikael Rubin, Alexandra Bicki, Santiago Papini, Jasper A.J. Smits, Michael J. Telch, Jane S. Gray

Journal of Psychiatric Research, vol. 142, 2021 Oct, pp. 198--203

Exploratory and Confirmatory Bayesian Networks Identify the Central Role of Non-judging in Symptoms of Depression

Mikael Rubin, Santiago Papini, Justin Dainer-Best, Eric D. Zaizar, Jasper A. J. Smits, Michael J. Telch

Mindfulness, vol. 12, 2021 Oct, pp. 2544--2551

Posttraumatic Stress

The influence of PTSD symptoms on selective visual attention while reading

Mikael Rubin, Nilavra Bhattacharya, Jacek Gwizdka, Zenzi Griffin, Michael Telch

Cognition and Emotion, vol. 36, 2022 Apr, pp. 527--534

Pupillary Response to Affective Voices: Physiological Responsivity and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Mikael Rubin, Michael J. Telch

Journal of Traumatic Stress, vol. 34, 2021 Feb, pp. 182--189